minik kara gözlerinle bakıyorsun bana işte,
sıcacık dokunan o iki gözle.
yarıda kalan kelimem dökülüyor yere,
belli ki artık sensin her kelimem.
17 Şubat 2009
Review: "Social networks that matter: Twitter under the microscope"
In the paper, Huberman et al. made an interesting conclusion about social networks in general, giving specific metrics on a dataset from Twitter.
The main idea is that the networks that are seen on the popular social networking sites on the internet is exaggerated and unreal, at least when examined with communication aspects of the network in mind.
By looking at a relatively small portion of the Twitter accounts, the paper reached at some valuable observations.
For example, the paper notes that number of posts of a user increases with an increase in the number of followers, but eventually saturates due to the fact that the time a person can spend on communicative activities is limited by nature.
But when number of friends is plotted against the number of posts, we see the positive effects of directed attention, people tend to contribute more when they feel that they are followed by people they already care. Contrary to the previous diagram, the curve does not saturate as the number of friends increase.
One must note that the definition of "friend" plays an important role here, a user is called a friend when there are at least two replies between the two users. As you see, this is somewhat more stronger than the traditional definition of a friend in this type of networks which was described as if you follow a user and she follows back, you are friends.
Thus, the paper concludes that the social networks contain a hidden network embedded in the publicly declared connections. This means that to understand the dynamics of interaction across the networks better, one must try to separate this hidden network from the actual network seen at first glance.
The main idea is that the networks that are seen on the popular social networking sites on the internet is exaggerated and unreal, at least when examined with communication aspects of the network in mind.
By looking at a relatively small portion of the Twitter accounts, the paper reached at some valuable observations.
For example, the paper notes that number of posts of a user increases with an increase in the number of followers, but eventually saturates due to the fact that the time a person can spend on communicative activities is limited by nature.
But when number of friends is plotted against the number of posts, we see the positive effects of directed attention, people tend to contribute more when they feel that they are followed by people they already care. Contrary to the previous diagram, the curve does not saturate as the number of friends increase.
One must note that the definition of "friend" plays an important role here, a user is called a friend when there are at least two replies between the two users. As you see, this is somewhat more stronger than the traditional definition of a friend in this type of networks which was described as if you follow a user and she follows back, you are friends.
Thus, the paper concludes that the social networks contain a hidden network embedded in the publicly declared connections. This means that to understand the dynamics of interaction across the networks better, one must try to separate this hidden network from the actual network seen at first glance.
first monday,
social networks,
28 Ocak 2009
Burak Arıkan'ın Ağlı Bilgi Görselleştirme Atölyesindeki Çalışmam
25-27 Aralık 2008 tarihleri arasında Bilgi Üniversitesinde gerçekleşen atölyenin son günü bütün katılımcılar çalışmalarını eleştiriye sunmuşlardı.
Bir süre sonra hazırlanacak atölye web sitesinde bütün katılımcıların çalışmalarına ve ilk günkü yaratıcı ağ oluşturma egzersizine ait görüntüler de izlenebilecek.
DELICIOUS TAG AFFINITY NETWORK from onur gungor on Vimeo.
The video depicts one of the many works during the workshop held by Burak Arikan at Istanbul Bilgi University between 25-27 December 2008.
In this particular network, the nodes are the tags of the user onurgu. Edges are drawn between two nodes if they were used together to tag the same URL. The edge widths are proportional to the number of such occasions and the radius of the nodes gives us a clue about the centrality of that particular tag, i.e. it was used many times with other tags.
Author: Onur Gungor
The sketch is a modified version of Burak Arikan's graph sketch. It can fetch the data of an arbitrary user on the fly.
Bir süre sonra hazırlanacak atölye web sitesinde bütün katılımcıların çalışmalarına ve ilk günkü yaratıcı ağ oluşturma egzersizine ait görüntüler de izlenebilecek.
DELICIOUS TAG AFFINITY NETWORK from onur gungor on Vimeo.
The video depicts one of the many works during the workshop held by Burak Arikan at Istanbul Bilgi University between 25-27 December 2008.
In this particular network, the nodes are the tags of the user onurgu. Edges are drawn between two nodes if they were used together to tag the same URL. The edge widths are proportional to the number of such occasions and the radius of the nodes gives us a clue about the centrality of that particular tag, i.e. it was used many times with other tags.
Author: Onur Gungor
The sketch is a modified version of Burak Arikan's graph sketch. It can fetch the data of an arbitrary user on the fly.
bilgi üniversitesi,
burak arıkan,
Kayıtlar (Atom)